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Sep 18, 2016
Divine Design for Healthy Relationship: Purpose and Priority
By: Russ Brechbiel
What does it practically mean to "seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness"? As we begin our series focusing on healthy relationships, we start with the most foundational and important one, our relationship with God. Jesus simple phrase in Matthew 6:33 gives us a clear direction on how to orient our lives and in so doing a higher purpose and priority for all of our other relationships.
- Sep 18, 2016Divine Design for Healthy Relationship: Purpose and Priority
Sep 18, 2016Divine Design for Healthy Relationship: Purpose and PriorityBy: Russ BrechbielWhat does it practically mean to "seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness"? As we begin our series focusing on healthy relationships, we start with the most foundational and important one, our relationship with God. Jesus simple phrase in Matthew 6:33 gives us a clear direction on how to orient our lives and in so doing a higher purpose and priority for all of our other relationships.
- Sep 11, 2016Failure…Forgiveness…Freedom- John 21
Sep 11, 2016Failure…Forgiveness…Freedom- John 21By: Russ BrechbielSeries: The Gospel of JohnHave you ever really blown it? Made a mistake that you just can't let go of and the resounding echoes of your failure inhibit your ability to move forward? Peter had to have been feeling something like that, even in light of the fact that Jesus had risen and appeared to them. But in this passage, not only does Jesus show up, but he reaches out to Peter to allow him to experience complete forgiveness and restoration. What are you needing to find both forgiveness and freedom from? Whom are you needing to forgive?
- Aug 7, 2016Walking in Victory
Aug 7, 2016Walking in VictoryBy: Russ BrechbielSeries: The Gospel of JohnJesus said, "In this world you will have trouble. but take heart! I have overcome the world." In this message Russ challenges us to look beyond our circumstances, to doubt our limits and move beyond our failures to walk in victory.
- Jul 31, 2016Remain, Grow, Love
Jul 31, 2016Remain, Grow, LoveBy: Russ BrechbielSeries: The Gospel of JohnConnected and dialed into the love and grace of Jesus, our lives will demonstrate spiritual fruit, making us effective for what He is calling us to. And...what He is calling us to is to love. This is how others will know that we are His disciples, our love for one another, and expression of our love for God. Here in John 15 we look at what the goal of "remaining in Jesus" is all about.
- Jul 24, 2016Loving Relationship of Confident Obedience
Jul 24, 2016Loving Relationship of Confident ObedienceBy: Russ BrechbielSeries: The Gospel of JohnJesus' disciples were extremely disturbed by all that he was sharing with them, and in the midst of their fear He speaks encouragement to them. He offers us that same comfort and encouragement through a relationship with Him, but we need to realize that the relationship we have with Him is expressed and realized through obedience. "If you love me, you will keep my commands." John 14
- Jul 17, 2016How to Love Like Jesus
Jul 17, 2016How to Love Like JesusBy: Russ BrechbielSeries: The Gospel of JohnHave you ever been lied to, talked about behind your back, or betrayed? By someone close? It hurts and when it hurts it is hard to love. And yet that is what we are called to as believers, to love one another as Christ loved. In John 13 we see the powerfully emotional interchange between Jesus and Judas, and in that scene not only does Jesus call His disciples to love, but He shows us how it's done.
- Jul 10, 2016What have you got to lose?
Jul 10, 2016What have you got to lose?By: Russ BrechbielSeries: The Gospel of JohnOur closets are full, garages overflow and storage units are packed to capacity. We gather more and more and let go of less and less. Why are we so prone to hang on to stuff? It can get in the way, especially when it relates to the heart. When we hold on to what we cannot keep, we miss so much and sometimes everything that God desires for our lives. Jesus said, "Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life." This passage forces us to consider the question, "What have we got to lose?"
- Jun 26, 2016Who are you Following
Jun 26, 2016Who are you FollowingBy: Russ BrechbielSeries: The Gospel of JohnThe Good Shepherd most often evokes an image of a glowing, bearded Jesus, holding a small lamb in one hand and a staff in another. But the picture we get of Jesus as the Good Shepherd in John 10 is one who will go to the mat to defend and protect us because there are plenty of dangers that we will face in this world, threatening our faith and spiritual well-being. Our task is to listen, know and obey the voice of our Shepherd as He faithfully leads us.
- Jun 12, 2016Rethinking the Impossible
Jun 12, 2016Rethinking the ImpossibleBy: Russ BrechbielSeries: The Gospel of JohnWhat are you expecting God to do in and through your life? If it's something you could just as well accomplish on your own, maybe you need to rethink your view of God, the One who can do all things. "All I know is that I was blind, but now I see!" (Jn.9:25)