P A U L ‘ S P R A Y E R for the church is that we might be “filled with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God” Colossians1:9-10.
Central to our faith is knowing the God in whom our faith is placed. Desiring to grow takes more than wishful thinking. We encourage each other in having a plan for growth through Bible reading and prayer as the foundational means to increasing our knowledge of God and our intimacy with him.
Living a life worthy of the Lord is our highest pursuit, but the Word of God makes it clear we are to do that in community. We emphasize that connecting with others is the privilege and priority for believers to encourage one another towards Christlikeness.
As faith without works is dead, so a spiritual life without service is incomplete and inconsistent. We value the gifting that every believer has to use in the spiritual growth of Christ’s Church and the spreading of the Gospel through love and service in our community and around the world.